As we move into the start of 2022, COVID 19 is still leaving its painful reminder with increasing numbers of new infections and with the impact of long COVID.

Increasingly we are discovering that long COVID is an all too common occurrence for many who suffered with COVID 19 during the first wave of the pandemic. The term Long COVID refers to continuing to suffer effects following COVID 19 long after you thought you’d recovered from the virus. Long COVID is a new form of chronic illness, a new type of post-viral chronic fatigue.
During a recent study on COVID 19, King’s College London looked at its ongoing impact on the UK population. They discovered that one in twenty people who had had the COVID 19 Coronavirus experience side effects and symptoms for eight weeks or longer.
The symptoms vary considerably and include:
extreme fatigue (tiredness)
chest pain or tightness
heart palpitations
shortness of breath
problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog")
insomnia (difficulty sleeping)
pins and needles
joint pain
earache or tinnitus
stomach aches, feeling sick, diarrhoea, loss of appetite
reoccurrence of symptoms such as a cough, headache, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
Sufferers could experience a single symptom, a variety, or a few at different times; the symptoms range between mental and physical ailments. The effects of long COVID are debilitating and frequently troubling for sufferers and their loved ones. The good news is that like other chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue and post-viral fatigue; long COVID can be successfully treated and managed with Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy. In common with other chronic illnesses, you can learn how to manage your symptoms and regain control of your health and your life.